Experiential / Immersive Exhibition
Carole Feuerman
Sea Idylls
A Hyperrealist 3D Animation
For Carole Feuerman’s monumental solo exhibition Sea Idylls, running until mid-September at the Galerie Bartoux New York, SUPERBIEN created a 3D animation video that brought to life one of the artist’s distinct and hyperreal sculptures, PISCES.
The exhibition, featuring nine monumental sculptures by Feuerman installed along the famous Park Avenue divide between 34th and 39th Street, along with a reproduction of Feuerman’s studio, early works, and an exclusive selection in Galeries Bartoux New York itself, centers around Feuerman’s childhood memories at Jones Beach, Long Island, and her unwavering love of New York, the big city surrounded by the sea.
The animation generated a looping moment where we witness PISCES, afloat and at peace, just as the audience was, lulled by the soothing sound of the waves, becoming more and more lifelike by the cycle of the sun, reaching her apex of so-real-you-could-touch at high noon and drifting into the unseen at night, disappearing into the sea like an idyll.
Thank you to Carole Feuerman and Galeries Bartoux for their trust on this creative project.

Galeries Bartoux
Creative Direction
Galerie Bartoux New-York
Technical Team
Baptiste Lassaigne
Creative Direction
Jean-Pierre Sastre
Juliette Belle
Technical Director
Baptiste Lassaigne
Picture and Making of
Chiara Collin d'Augelli